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Cancellation Policy

For any reservation less than $15.00, Albany Park Ride & Fly will be happy to issue a "Rain Check". This means you will be given a credit in the form of a coupon code. The next time you make a reservation, enter your coupon code and the website will subtract the credit from your total. Rain Checks can be used at any Albany Park Ride & Fly location. Any reservation exceeding $15.00 will be fully refunded, as long as 24 hours notice is provided. All cancellations without a 24-hour notice will be charged the equivalent to one day of parking fees. A full refund will be given for cancelled flights.

No refund or credit will be issued for unused reservations in part or whole.

When cancelling your reservation, please make sure you have your reservation number (located on your email receipt). If you need assistance, please call our toll-free customer support line at 1-518-918-5036.

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